S2E Testsuite

In this document, you will learn how to build and run the S2E testsuite. The testsuite is a collection of programs that help test various aspects of the S2E engine. It also serves as a reference for various S2E tutorials. A test is comprised of one or more program binaries, a script that sets up an S2E analysis project, runs it, and then checks that the results are correct.

Building the testsuite

Before proceeding, set up your S2E environment using s2e-env. Once it is up and running (i.e., you can create analysis projects and run them), you are ready to build and run the testsuite:

s2e testsuite generate

This creates test projects named testsuite_* in the projects folder. One test may have several different projects, each project running the test in a particular configuration. For example, a test that checks that a Windows 32-bit binary runs properly may want to do so on say three different versions of Windows, resulting in three separate projects.

The s2e testsuite generate command also accepts a list of test names. If one or more test names are specified, the command generates test projects only for those tests. This may be useful to make it faster when you want to generate and run only one or two tests, e.g., when you write your own test and want to debug it.

You can view the list of available tests with the following command:

s2e testsuite list


Some tests require a Windows build server. This server must be set up as described here and enabled in the s2e.yaml file located at the root of your S2E environment. If you do not want to build the server, you may skip the tests that require it as follows:

s2e testsuite generate --no-windows-build


Testsuite generation recreates test projects from scratch and overwrites previously generated tests. Avoid modifying generated tests directly and modify the testsuite source instead (see later for details).

Running the testsuite

There are two ways to run the testsuite: using s2e testsuite run or invoking the run-tests script.

  1. Using the s2e command.

    s2e testsuite run

    This command automatically starts the optimal number of parallel tests depending on how many CPU cores and memory the machine has.

    You may also specify one or more test project names, in which case the command will run only those tests.

    This command saves the console output of all tests in stdout.txt and stderr.txt files in the test project’s directory.

  2. Manually invoking the run-tests script in the test project’s folder. This is useful when you want to integrate tests in your own testing environment (e.g., Jenkins). The script returns a non-zero status code if the test fails. Additionally, the script writes the status file in the s2e-last folder containing either SUCCESS or FAILURE.

    You can use GNU parallel to run multiple tests at once:

    S2EDIR=$(pwd) parallel -j5  ::: projects/testsuite_*/run-tests


A test project contains all the usual S2E configuration files and scripts. For example, you can run the project with s2e run or launch-s2e.sh. However, this will just run S2E and will not check the output. Make sure to use run-tests or s2e testsuite run instead.

Adding your own tests

The testsuite is located in the testsuite repository. In order to add a test, follow these steps:

  1. Create a subdirectory named after the test.

  2. Create a makefile. It must have an all target that builds the binaries.

  3. Create a config.yml file that describes the tests. See the reference section for details.

  4. Create a run-tests.tpl file that launches the test project and checks the output after S2E terminates. This is a Jinja template that s2e testsuite generate instantiates into run-tests and places in the project’s directory. This file would typically start with the following lines:

    {% include 'common-run.sh.tpl' %}
    s2e run -n {{ project_name }}

    common-run.sh.tpl contains various helper functions and variables that the run-tests can use to check the test results.


You may write run-tests.tpl in any language (e.g. Python). Just make sure that it checks for S2EDIR, sets the proper exit code on failure and creates the status file as appropriate.

Test configuration reference

This section describes the contents of the config.yml file.

  • description: a string describing the purpose of the test. It is displayed by s2e testsuite list

  • targets: a list of binaries to be tested. These binaries are produced by the makefile. Each entry is a path relative to the test folder.

  • target_arguments: a list of parameters to give to the binary. These are the same parameters passed to the binary in the s2e new_project command. Typically, the argument is @@ to allow symbolic input files.

  • options: a list of parameters to be passed to s2e new_project. In general, these are usual parameters with leading dashes stripped and others converted to underscores.

  • build-options: a list of options that control test project generation.

    • windows-build-server: when set to true, indicates that the test requires a Windows build server to create binaries.

    • post-project-generation-script: path to a script that is ran after s2e new_project is called. You can use this script to customize the project configuration.

  • target-images: a list of images to use for the tests. When this option is missing, the test generator creates a project for every usable image, unless it is blacklisted.

  • blacklisted-images: list of images for which to not create tests. This is useful in case a binary is incompatible with a specific OS version.